Funeral Services held at our churches acknowledge the grief with the loss of a loved one, and at the same time the need to honour and give thanks for the life of that loved one. To help this sense of thanksgiving we offer ministry in listening to the wishes of the family and do our best to provide a service which honours and helps say farewell to a loved one. Both churches offer a feeling of a sacred space for family and friends to gather for an important occasion.

If you have not already engaged with a funeral director we can also assist you with this.  The air-conditioned parish hall at the rear of St John’s may be booked to share in a time of further memories and light refreshments. The parish Memorial Garden can be found on the north side of St John’s church. Parishioners and others may choose for ashes to be interred in this peaceful resting place.

Please contact the priest should you wish to make arrangements about a funeral. The priest will meet with you at the earliest opportunity to begin the arrangements.

If you are wanting to pre-arrange a funeral, please meet with the priest who will discuss with you what it is you wish to happen. A record of your instructions will be kept in the parish office.

End of life ministry: the priest is available at all times, for ministry concerning end of life. Please ring the priest.