Parish Prayer Groups

There are two prayer groups operating in the parish:
Parish Prayer meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays in the parish office at 10.00 am.
For more information or for prayer needs contact Tracy 0423 018 609.
The Prayer Chain is a phone and email system to manage prayer requests requiring rapid – and confidential – action.
Contact Joan 0419 032 753.

A Prayer for Ukraine

Almighty God, ruler of all, in whose kingdom peace and righteousness abound; we pray for those who are in conflict, especially Ukraine. Take away prejudice, cruelty, and revenge. Grant that barriers which divide may crumble, suspicions disappear and hatreds cease, through Jesus Christ our mediator. Amen.

Prayers for Ukraine are held every Thursday afternoon at All Hallows Church, from 4.00 to 6.00 pm.

Season of Creation 2024

This prayer for Season of Creation 2024 by Rev. James Bagwan, Pacific Conference of Churches supplied by Rev Martin Bleby.

God of the land, the sea, the sky:
Creator of all that is seen and unseen.
Open our hearts to the rhythm of Creation in the swells of the ocean, the movements of air and wind, the breath of all living things.
Open our eyes to the fragile beauty of the biodiversity of which we are a part.
Open our ears to the sounds of life around us.
Open our minds to the awareness of our deep relationship with all your Creation.
Creator God:
May we hope and act with Creation.

God of Light, Life and Love:
Help us to seek and find your presence in all Creation.
Help us to understand the roots of the ecological crisis and give us the wisdom to live resiliently
in harmony with your Creation.
Keep us firm in the faith that the gift of life in all its fullness is for all Creation.
Help us to maintain hope that your reign of love is manifested in our common love for you, for ourselves, and for our neighbour—both human and non-human.
Creator God:
May we hope and act with Creation.

God of truth and justice:
Fill us with your spirit of compassion so we may live and act with and in solidarity with Creation.
Guide us in paths of righteousness that help us to tread softly on the land and sail gently on the sea.
Give us wisdom and courage to recognise our role in the evil of systemic exploitation and extraction and to speak truth to power.
Give us strength of heart and arm to be agents of the ecological conversion the world so desperately needs.
Creator God:
May we hope and act with Creation.

A prayer by the Reverend Lenore Parker, an Indigenous Anglican Priest

God of holy dreaming, Great Creator Spirit
From the dawn of creation you have given your children the good things of Mother Earth.
You spoke and gum tree grew.
In vast deserts and dense forest, and in cities at the water’s edge, creation sings your praise.
Your presence endures as the rock at the heart of our Land.
When Jesus hung on the tree 
you heard the cries of your people
and became one with your wounded ones:
the convicts, the hunted, and the dispossessed.
The sunrise of your Son coloured the earth anew
and bathed it in glorious hope.
In Jesus we have been reconciled to you, 
To each other and to your whole creation.
Lead us on, Great Spirit,
As we gather from the four corners of the earth;
enable us to walk together in trust
from the hurt and shame of the past
into the full day which has dawned in Jesus Christ. Amen.

Prayers for Australia

Bounteous God,
we give thanks for this ancient and beautiful land,
a land of despair and hope,
a land of wealth and abundant harvests,
a land of fire, drought and flood.
We pray that your Spirit may continue to move in this land
and bring forgiveness, reconciliation, and an end to all injustice;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen. (APBA p 628)

We bless you, God of the universe,
     for this land,
     for its contrasts of landscape and climate,
     for its abundance of wealth and opportunity.
We bless you for our history,
     with all its struggles in adversity,
     its courage and hope.
Give us in our diversity
     tolerance and respect for each other
     and a passionate commitment to justice for all.
Bless us so that we might be a blessing to others.
We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen. (APBA p 204)

Woody’s favourite prayers and words

Lets us not tire of denouncing the idolatry of wealth, which makes human greatness consist in having, and forgets that true greatness is being. One’s value is not in what one has, but in what one is.

Archbishop Oscar  Romero  November 4th 1979

Prayers for the night:

In thy name, O Jesu who wast crucified,
I lie down to rest;
Watch thou me in sleep remote
Hold thou me in thy hand
Bless me, O Christ,
Be thou my shield protecting me,
Aid my steps in the pitiful swamp.
Lead thou me to life eternal,
Keep thou me in the presence of God,
O good and gracious Son of the Virgin,
And fervently I pray thy strong protection
From my lying down at dusk to my rising at day.

Celtic Prayer

Watch dear Lord, with those who wake, or watch, or weep tonight,
and give your angels charge over those who sleep;
Tend your sick ones, O Lord Christ, rest your weary ones,
Bless your dying ones, soothe your suffering ones,
pity your afflicted ones, shield your joyous ones,
and all for your love’s sake. Amen

St. Augustine (354 – 430)

Prayers in the morning:

You who send forth the light, create the morning, make the sun rise on the good and the evil, enlighten the blindness of our minds with knowledge of truth: lift up the light of your countenance upon us, that in your light we may see light, and at the last, be in the light of grace and in the light of glory.

Lancelot Andrews (1555 – 1626)

Prayer after a sleepless night:

Thank you, Father, that the longest night ends at dawn and a new day.
Thank you that your mercies are new every morning.
Clear from my mind now all black thoughts of the night and give me confidence in your loving care as I face today.
Give me your strength in my tiredness and sure hope that your love will guard and keep me. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Two prayers of learning about God’s way:

Lord Jesus Christ, who alone art wisdom, thou knows what is best for us; mercifully grant that it may happen to us only as it is pleasing to thee and as it seems good in thy sight this day. For thy name’s sake. Amen

King Henry VI (1421 – 1471)

Dear Lord, Let thy will be done in my life and give me the wisdom to know, the strength to accept and the courage to do it. In your name. Amen.

Ricky Johnson, prisoner in Westville Correctional Centre Indiana