Parish Priest:
Martyn “Woody” Woodsford
Woody writes: As a priest, it is privilege to be here in Coromandel Valley Parish. This community is a huge encouragement as they have lived and maintained faith in Jesus through the best and worst of times. In our two worship sites we hold a sung worship communion service at 8.00am, which is an oasis of calm and peace at the beginning of Sunday. The 10.00am service is communion as well and we manage to have calm and peace in a different style. The preaching is a moment of reflection and a desire to walk deeper with our God. After every gathering we pause and have morning tea and talk, because it matters. The other point of joy for me as a priest is I don’t do everything: I get to share it with other members of our community.
Woody returned to Australia after several years’ ministry in Liverpool, UK. He, with family Tracy and Zach, arrived back in Adelaide in January 2022, moving into the Clergy House adjacent to All Hallows’ church.
Woody enjoys the responsibility of talking about faith and life and Jesus with individuals, in groups and with whole congregations in such a way that it is possible to live for God in the 21st Century. His sermons turn the Gospels into a totally relevant, personal experience, focusing on Jesus. In conversation with Woody it is clear he gives his full attention to the person he is speaking with.
Woody is highly regarded in the parish. He is kind, caring and loves “doing life” with the parish and the wider community. He reads widely and extensively, and enjoys fishing and riding his motorcycle.
Woody’s Facebook page can be found at https://www.facebook.com/martyn.woodsford/
Woody’s mobile number is 0423 019 340
Parish Administrative Assistant
The ministry of wardens is vital to a healthy church community, and the effective work of Gospel mission. Wardens are akin to church elders, and also act as the Officers of the Parish.
Vivien Bleby
Ray Pittman
Jenni Poole
Rachel Westcott
0409 019 199
0417 899 112
0438 819 534
0427 707 044