God is the generous Giver of all. All we are, and all we have, is gifted to us by God.

See God’s abundance in creation—producing seeds and fruit and offspring. God has given us God’s own Son Jesus. Jesus has given us his life. God’s Spirit has been poured out on us without measure.

God wants us to join in God’s giving in the world, using the blessings that we have been blessed with. Jesus said, ‘give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap.’ As far as God is concerned, the more we give, the more we get, to go on giving with.

The Anglican Parish of Coromandel Valley is mostly dependent on the gifts of God’s people. Each of us can give cheerfully, from what we have.

As a parish we also give to outside mission and charitable causes. See who we support on our Community page under ‘Others we financially support’

We encourage direct giving:

Account name:   Anglican Parish of Coromandel Valley BSB: 705077 Account number: 00040254

References: John 3:27, 34; 1 Corinthians 4:7; Acts 17:24–25; Deuteronomy 8:17–18; Genesis 1:29–30; Romans 8:32, 5:5;  Genesis 12:2; Luke 6:38; 2 Corinthians 8:1–5, 12–16; 9:6–8.