Craft ‘n’ Chat is back for 2025
Craft ‘n’ Chat is back for 2025! Our first meeting in the parish hall will be on Saturday 22nd February at 2 pm. We will start the year with Creative Pompoms, so please join us for a fun afternoon learning a variety of different ways to make pompoms, and all the ways you can decoate different items and make fun jewellery. Cost is only $2. Please brind a pair of scissors and any wool you have. You don’t need to buy wool – Michele will have a variety available on the day.
Michele is also after newspaper for an activity later in the year. This could by left in the hall, labelled Craft ‘n’ Chat.
Contact Michele for questions or more information.
Parish Tea
The first Parish Tea for 2025 will be this Sunday 23 Feb at 5.00 pm in the parish hall. Bring food to share, BYO drinks and glasses.
All welcome, hope to see you there.
Creation Care workshop
To be held on 1 March 9.30 am to 3.00 pm, Environmental Centre, Oaklands Wetlands, 237 Oaklands Road, Marion. Enquiries and dietary requirements to Sally Shaw, 0418 154 195. Attendance is free, but notify through
Morning and afternoon tea will be provided, but please bring lunch to share, as well at a hat, sunscreen and water bottle for a walk in the wetlands.
Shrove Tuesday
Shrove Tuesday this year is on 4 March. Please join us for a pancake tea at the parish hall. More details will be provided nearer the day.
World Day of Prayer
World Day of Prayer for 2025 will be held at Holy Innocents church, Belair, on Friday 7 March at 10.00am. The country of interest this year is our Pacific neighbour, the Cook Islands.
Vestry meeting 2025
Vestry meeting will take place on 23 March after a combined service at 9.00 am at All Hallows. Please email your report to Bobbie, [email protected] ASAP.