Waffle Church

Waffle Church happens on the first Sunday of the month, at 5.00 pm at All Hallows’. The next Waffle Church is 2nd March. Sometimes we make waffles, sometimes we don’t, but there is always engaging discussion. Come along and join in!

Shrove Tuesday

Shrove Tuesday this year is on 4 March. Please join us for a pancake tea at the parish hall at 6.00pm. All welcome

Lenten Study

In the Parish hall at 9.30am Friday from March 7th to April 11th (March 7th meeting to be in the Parish Office at All Hallows’) . The study is based on a book Draw Near: A Lenten Devotional by Lynne Baab. For further information please contact Di Furness – 0417 569 970 or email [email protected]

World Day of Prayer

World Day of Prayer for 2025 will be held at Holy Innocents church, Belair, on Friday 7 March at 10.00am. The country of interest this year is our Pacific neighbour, the Cook Islands.

Vestry meeting 2025

Vestry meeting will take place on 23 March after a combined service at 9.00 am at All Hallows. Group leaders please email your report to Bobbie, [email protected] ASAP.

Hope 25

Please sign up to Hope25 at WWW.hope25.com.au/ and click on Get involved, and then Parish Launch Kit. Then register via email.

The Beatles meet Jesus – Fringe Show

March 22nd 7pm St Matthews Kensington. The Beatles’ songs explore universal themes of love and human experience which continue to resonate today. During the same time, the Jesus Music Movement brought a faith-based message of hope, freedom and change. This 90-minute concert explores how the two intersect. Tickets are $15 each booked through the Adelaide Fringe website or by ringing 08 8100 2000. https://adelaidefringe.com.au/fringetix/imagine-the-beatles-meet-jesus-af2025

Craft and Chat

Our next craft n chat will be on Saturday 22nd March at 2pm in the Parish hall behind St John’s church. We are doing the delicate art of Quilling. The cost will be between $3-5, depending on if you have your own quilling tool. Please bring your tool if you have one, any Quilling paper and scissors. Why not come and join us. Any questions please contact Michele on 0409182731.