We love to have children worshipping with us in a safe and nurturing environment.
Children in worship
We believe that children are a special gift from God to be loved and nurtured!
Children have a natural interest in God and an inborn sense of the divine.
We believe that it takes a whole village to raise a child (an old African proverb) and if children are to grow in faith they must have opportunities to be part of a worshiping community.
Through baptism children and adults are fully members of the body of Christ, partners in faith.
Jesus said, “Whoever welcomes one child like this in my name welcomes me” (Matthew 18:5, CSB) and, “Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs.”(Matthew 19:14)
Children as part of our community
Coromandel Valley Primary School and Goodstart Early Learning
Our parish is blessed to be right next door to the Goodstart Early Learning child care centre at All Hallows church and Coromandel Valley Primary School at St John’s church. We amicably share car parking and amenities.
Several members of our parish regularly mentor students one to one at Coromandel Valley Primary School as part of the Kids’ Hope program. Kids’ Hope is Australia’s largest early intervention, school-based mentoring program for children experiencing vulnerability.
At the school we welcome the Year 1 students to come into the historical church of St John’s as they learn about the history of Coromandel Valley. The students love this visit looking at the stained glass windows and listening to the pipe organ.
In Term 4 we facilitate Christmas wreath making classes for the Year 4 students culminating in an exhibition of their wreaths in the parish hall.
See the article in The Guardian https://adelaideguardian.com/2021/12/06/making-connections-by-making-wreaths/

The Big Wreath, created by Year 3’s, Coromandel Valley Primary School
The Diocese of Adelaide and this parish are committed to ensuring that our church community is a safe place for all people in all its ministries. All parishioners in leadership positions are required to complete the Safe Ministry training and accreditation.
Please see the Safe Ministry link, A Safe Place: https://adelaideanglicans.com/safe-ministry/